Dispersion tuning of nonlinear dynamics in gas-filled capillary fibres


We experimentally investigate the different regimes of optical nonlinear dynamics that can be accessed in hollow capillary fibres by tuning the zero dispersion wavelength. We pump a 3 m long, 250 μm diameter, argon-filled hollow capillary fibre with 10 fs pulses at 800 nm. By changing the gas pressure, the zero-dispersion wavelength can be tuned from the vacuum ultraviolet to the infrared. For anomalous dispersion at the pump wavelength, typical soliton and soliton-plasma dynamics are observed, such as selfcompression, dispersive-wave emission, soliton blue-shifting and ionization induced pulse splitting. Normal pump dispersion leads to the generation of 3-octave supercontinua and emission of dispersive waves in higher-order modes.

Oct 10, 2019 17:00
Ultrafast Optics XII (2019), Bol, Croatia
Teodora F. Grigorova
Teodora F. Grigorova
Research Associate
Christian Brahms
Christian Brahms
Associate Professor
Federico Belli
Federico Belli
Research Fellow
John C. Travers
John C. Travers
Professor of Physics