
VincettiMode(a, args...; wallthickness, tube_radius, Ntubes, cladn, Nterms,
                         loss=true, kwargs...)

Create a mode with Marcatili-like mode fields but loss, dispersion and effective area given by the semi-empirical model developed by Vincetti et al. in refs [1-3]. Arguments are identical to Capillary.MarcatiliMode but with the following additions/changes as keyword arguments:

Mandatory keyword arguments

  • wallthickness : wall thickness of the resonators (cladding capillaries)
  • tube_radius : radius of the resonators
  • Ntubes : number of resonators

Optional keyword arguments

  • cladn : refractive index of the resonators as a function of (ω; z). Defaults to the refractive index of silica (SiO2).
  • Nterms : number of resonator dielectric modes to include in the model. Defaults to 8.
  • loss : can be true or false to switch loss on/off, or a Real to scale the loss.

To specify the gap between resonators, calculate the core radius with getRco(r_ext, N, δ) or calculate the external radius of the resonators with getr_ext(Rco, N, δ).


[1] L. Vincetti Empirical formulas for calculating loss in hollow core tube lattice fibers, Opt. Express, OE, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 10313-10325, May 2016, doi: 10.1364/OE.24.010313.

[2] L. Vincetti and L. Rosa A simple analytical model for confinement loss estimation in hollow-core Tube Lattice Fibers Opt. Express, OE, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 5230-5237, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.1364/OE.27.005230.

[3]L. Rosa, F. Melli, and L. Vincetti Analytical Formulas for Dispersion and Effective Area in Hollow-Core Tube Lattice Fibers Fibers, vol. 9, no. 10, Art. no. 10, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.3390/fib9100058.

ZeisbergerMode(args...; wallthickness, kwargs...)

Create a capillary-like mode with the effective index given by eq. (15) in [1].

wallthickness (mandatory kwarg) sets the thickness of the anti-resonant struts and loss (optional, defaults to true) can be either a Bool (to switch on/off loss completely) or a Real (to up/down-scale the loss given by the model). Other kwargs are passed on to the constructor of a Capillary.MarcatiliMode.

[1] Zeisberger, M., Schmidt, M.A. Analytic model for the complex effective index of the leaky modes of tube-type anti-resonant hollow core fibers. Sci Rep 7, 11761 (2017).

getRco(r_ext, N, δ)

Calculate the inscribed core radius of a single-ring antiresonant PCF with N resonators with external radius r_ext and a gap between resonators of δ.

getr_ext(Rco, N, δ)

Calculate the external radius of the resonators for a single-ring antiresonant PCF with core radius Rco, N resonators and a gap between resonators of δ.

getδ(Rco, r_ext, N)

Calculate the gap between resonators in a single-ring antiresonant PCF with inscribed core radius Rco for N resonators with external radius r_ext.
